Parent Information
School Hours
Take In Time:
Magnet Bus Take-In: 7:15 (approximate)
Car-Riders Take-In: Immediately following bus in-take (Shortly after 7:15)
Breakfast served 7:15 - 7:30
Class begins at 7:35/ Tardy if not in-class by 7:35.
Dismissal Time:
Magnet Bus Dismissal: 2:20
Car-Riders Dismissal: 2:25 (following bus)
*Bus transportation will be provided from students' zoned schools to the magnet bus hub (at Clark-Shaw) and then to Barton.
Bus Information 2024-2025
To Apply
Application periods open in the fall and spring for the following school year and will be processed through the district magnet program.
Visit for more information.
Most registration processes will take place online. Visit

Dr. Amanda C. Jones
Contact email:
Barton Phone: 251-221-1040
Barton Fax: 251-221-1041
Top: Girls AND Boys
Blue Buttoned Oxford with Barton Embroidered Logo
(Sold at Zoghby's Uniforms)

Bottom: Girls
Barton Plaid 1D Double-Pleated Skort
OR Light Grey Flannel Pants (Both Sold at Zoghby's Uniforms)

Bottom: Boys
Light grey flannel pants
(Sold at Zoghby's Uniforms)

Belt: Solid Black Belt Must Be Worn With Pants that have Belt Loops
Socks: Girls - Solid Black Socks or Tights / Boys - Solid Black Socks
SOLID BLACK low-cut, closed-toe, closed heel shoe. (No high heels, wheels, high-tops, boots, or sandals.)
*Soles may be black, white, or grey (NO OTHER COLORS)
Other Items:
Backpacks- Solid or two-toned color (preferably blue, black, or grey). No rolling backpacks.
Jewelry- Must be suitable for business attire. No more than one or two bracelets per wrist. Simple earrings and necklaces that do not distract from learning.
Hair – Natural hair tones and cuts/styles that do not distract from the learning environment.
SOLID BLACK jackets or sweaters may be worn inside or Barton (sold) team wear. Zoghby’s has several options that can be monogrammed with the Barton logo.
Students will be asked to remove and put away any outer wear that is not SOLID black or Barton. The only permissible writing is our BARTON LOGO. Otherwise, the outerwear must be solid black with no writing.
*Please label outerwear so lost items can be returned to students.
Additional Notes:
Black Blazer with Barton Logo will be provided and worn by 9th grade students.
Zoghby Uniforms will serve as our uniform supplier for "official" Barton attire. If you need uniform assistance, please contact our school principal, Dr. Jones, or our school counselor, Mrs. Smith.
Additional items (spirit shirts, ties, etc.) will be sold through the school at a later time.
Our Barton students are expected to "dress for success". Hair, nails, jewelry, etc. should be natural and may not distract from the learning environment.